Ritual For An Easeful Transition to Fall

We know Gaia’s dance of death and rebirth as the seasons. Our wholeness is nurtured when we are brave enough to say yes to this dance within ourselves.

Deepening your relationships to the seasons is the foundation of the embodied mystic path and a pathway to the gifts of deep presence.

Nature never speaks so loudly as in the spaces in between - the spaces in between day and night, in between each breath and particularly in the transition of seasons.

Summer was full of gifts and challenges. Honor your experience with this simple 15 minute ritual so that you can enter into the incoming mystery of Fall with the freshness of an open mind and heart.

Before beginning, I invite you to light a candle and take a few moments to briefly reflect on significant events, experiences and emotions of the last season. We’ll explore a simple fire ritual, which can either be done in your mind or with a candle or fireplace so long as you are being fire safe.

What are you releasing from Summer and what are you welcoming more of this Fall?