The Cycle of Feminine Awakening

I'm back from a month in Costa Rica + it’s Spring Equinox - resurrection time!

We act like rising from the dead is miraculous… yet, Gaia does it every year. 


This remembrance is what kept me hanging on during my Costa Rica journey…. I wish I could tell you that it was all margaritas, sun meditation and dancing on the beach but, actually, I was there to close out my relationship and my former life by collecting my things and saying goodbye to friends. 


While there were certainly magical moments and, to be fair, I did do a LOT of dancing on the beach (though some of it was dance crying), for the most part, it was painful, triggering and uncomfortable.


Any singular thread of grief has the power to plunge us into the whole ball of yarn - collective grief and the losses of our entire lives. The jungles brought me into an unexpected identity crisis that I hadn't experienced in years.


But, after years of practice, when my heart felt like a lead weight in my chest, I resisted the urge to distract myself, get angry or sink into victimhood, instead, I placed my hand there and repeated my mantra - “Spring always comes after Winter.”


The ancient wisdom within me remembered that there is no such thing as a new start without an end, no such thing as birth without death.

Since the beginning of time, the abundance of resurrection myths in global mythology universally occur at this moment.


Long before Jesus, the gods Dionysus, Osiris, Attis, Mithras, Tamuz and many more were resurrected near Spring Equinox alongside Goddesses Persephone and Inanna.


Though differing in regional detail, the universal storyline is pretty simple -


Cruel, violent death proceeded by miraculous rebirth that comes with increased power.


This isn’t a coincidence - Gods and Goddesses have always been the forces of Nature personified.


Resurrection from devastation (be it death, winter, heartbreak, identity crisis or illness) is a primary pattern in nature and the collective unconscious that is reflected in the initiatory practices of your indigenous ancestors from around the globe.


Through the seasonal cycle, the daily sun cycle, the moon cycle and our own blood cycle, nature is always embodying the never ending cycle of birth → growth → decay → death → rebirth.


Why Celebrate Spring Equinox?


When we take a moment to honor Gaia’s pivotal moments of transition like Spring Equinox, we build faith in the ways she mirrors our own lives. 

Walking the beach with a heavy heart, I repeated my mantra “Spring always comes after Winter” as a reminder of the process I've undergone so many times and supported dozen of women to undergo - our initiations of grief and challenge ultimately lead to the rebirth of our creativity, power and genius (if we let them).


When we acknowledge Gaia’s changes, we come into greater intimacy with those parts of ourselves that are also shifting, changing and growing.


We become familiar with our own cyclical process of inner descent and resurrection and we start to trust our lives, our path, our bodies more deeply, even in the darkest of nights.


We build faith in our inherent strength and resilience. 


We remind ourselves that, like the daffodils, the lilies and the budding leaves of the Maple - we will rise again.


The truth is, just like all of nature, we were born to transform.


We are here to birth and die and resurrect over and over again in this life and beyond.


This is the Path of the Wise Woman, 

The Priestess, The Mystic, the Witch


What Happens When We Don't Honor Earth's Cycles?

Without a practice of ritualizing the seasons, we can become unmoored from the stabilizing force of Gaia.

As a result, we’re more easily tricked by our ego into thinking times of challenge are the new status quo or the result of our own failing. We’re more likely to succumb to worry, anxiety, disregulation and depression, and to get stuck there, damming the flow of the river towards resurrection, renewal + rebirth.


 - Your Challenges are an Opportunity to Awaken -


Just like the divine feminine Goddess breathes life back into the land in Spring, times of inner challenge when we feel lost are actually invitations into feminine rebirth and awakening.


Every challenging emotion, life experience and season, is an opportunity to clear layers of ego, trauma and ancestral patterning to activate deeper layers of your own truth as you step into deeper and deeper authenticity.


As a women’s transformational coach, I’m privileged to serve as a mirror and an anchor for women who are experiencing a feminine awakening, so I have an up close view and deep trust in this universal process of renewal.


After a month of death,  I returned home to Sedona and, after searching for almost two years, found the first home I'm destined to buy. We close in mid April. 


After death - resurrection.


And you, how are you holding your heart with gentleness through the inevitable endings of your life?


How can you step into deeper trust that Spring always comes after Winter?

- How Does The Feminine Resurrect? -

I see it again and again, when we…

🐛 apprentice ourselves to Nature (aka the Divine Feminine) 


🐛 surround ourselves in the cocoon of sacred sisterhood


🐛 receive the support of wise women mentors


🐛 reclaim the sacredness of our bodies and their genuine desires


we rebirth ourselves in a process as old as time herself. 🦋


Feminine resurrection entails a journey of reconnecting with and reclaiming the sacredness of our bodies and their genuine desires, hungers and pleasure and acknowledging their unique magic as holy vessels for the mystery of life.


This remembrance transforms the way we move in the world…


It transforms our health


It transforms the way we look


It transforms the way we walk


It transforms the way we speak


It transforms the way we


It transforms our relationships


It transforms our work


It transforms our lovemaking


The cyclical process of nature is a map of feminine awakening + rebirth.

During this eclipse season, take a moment to reflect, where are you in this never ending feminine process of awakening cycle of birth → growth → decay → death → rebirth…

in your romantic partnerships? In your career? In your friendships? In your health? In your emotional life?

We invite you to share what this discussion has inspired below.