Sacred Fitness Medicine

Mindless, ego-boosting body sculpting just for aesthetic reasons? Not into it. 

Yet, as a devoted yogi, I sometimes find my body craves a lil bit more juice than my nourishing yoga practice can provide.

As an anatomy nerd and trainer, I find that yoga, developed in an extremely different context than us modern humans live, with its strong emphasis on stretching and folding, doesn’t always address our need to strengthen our core and the back line of our body to prevent discomfort or injury from excessive screen use and sitting.

This is why I developed Sacred Fitness for Yogis - synergizing leading edge biomechanics with ancient wisdom practices, it strikes a balance between muscular endurance, targeted postural strength, full body flexibility and cardiovascular stimulation with a consistent emphasis on healthy alignment - all while having some lighthearted, yet soulful fun!

We can harness the high octane yet grounded energetic charge of our workout through affirmation, visualization and mindful awareness of anatomical alignment in order to amplify our highest intentions. 

This is a body - positive, inclusive approach to fitness centered in self-compassion that caters to a wide variety of fitness levels and body types.

Benefits of working out from the inside out:

  • Release stress + grow strong

  • Reignite your passion for movement

  • Feel more youthful and at home in your body

  • Inspire trust in your body’s ability to support you through challenge

  • Cultivate the steadfastness required for a lifestyle of presence

  • Focus the mind to develop a sense of being right here - in this moment - instead of in a story or a judgement in your head

Try it out and counteract your iPhone posture with this 7 minute Posture Booster Booty Blast:

Explore Strength as a spiritual practice in the Earth - Body Wisdom Collective, a sanctuary for women to calm, strengthen and align to the wisdom of nature by anchoring into sisterhood, embodiment and self care. Join Us.

How does your strength practice bring you back to your center? Let us know below.