Moon Medicine, Magic + Yoga

Do you ever feel like mysterious forces are abducting your moods?

Well… they are.

Our greatest efforts to establish consistent self care routines may fail if they don’t take into account our organic our biochemical shifts throughout the month and year based on the cycles of the moon and sun.

But we can learn to hack the system to ride these waves for sustainable well-being, fitness, flexibility, mental health and happiness.

The cycles of the moon are a mirror reflection of our own nature.

Always in flux, ebbing and flowing, blossoming then wilting just to blossom again, the moon reminds us that we can trust the organic process of our own unfolding no matter how challenging or painful it might feel at times.

When we align to nature, we begin to understand our own nature. From Winter to spring to summer to fall, from new moon to full then back to darkness, from seedling to flower to compost to seed…

As within so without, as above, so below.

Though we can choose to disrupt our natural hormonal cycles with electric lights, caffeine, sugar, adrenaline, media and habituated thought patterns that confuse a life well lived with being busy, the pull of the moon’s cycle on our bodies is impossible to override. 

We can be unconscious of these cycles, tossed around in the surf and fighting the current, or, we can learn to ride the wave.

The cycle of the moon is a built-in guide for the harmonious balance of our moods, energy levels, creativity, and well-being.

When we honor and understand our bodies and shape our lives around the natural fluctuation of our hormones, we experience greater health, ease and inner alignment (not to mention joy and pleasure). 

Plants, animals, humans, Planet Earth, the moon - we all experience the universal cycle of birth, growth, decay, death and regeneration. 

Not just on a macro scale but every day we cycle through this beautiful and mysterious journey.

If you're blessed to have a uterus, you know that your emotions and energy levels mirror the cycle of the moon and the seasons. 

Knowledge is power but moon knowledge is pure wisdom. 

It's been several years now that I've been aligning my work life, my exercise, my social activities and pretty much everything around my moon cycle. 

I've shifted from stressed out, PMS ridden and f*cking angry to (for the most part) balanced and in flow. 

This is bigger than me or you. 

This is about a world returning to harmony and remembering our roots. Roots that have always been and will always be firmly planet in the Great Mother, our beautiful Planet. 

The more women who honor their truth by attuning to cycles of the moon and seasons - the more harmonious humankind will be. 

Despite the fact that our culture doesn’t always respect the sanctity of women's bodies or moon cycles, the same bodies and cycles that create all human life, ask any woman if the moon impacts her mood, energy, relationships, self image, mental and physical health, sex drive.

We are not the same from day to day. Like the tides, we wax and wane mentally emotionally and physically. Even men, intersex and post menopausal people have a hormonal cycle tied to the moon’s monthly pulse.

As women, when we honor and respect our moon cycles by creating sacred space for slowness medicine and listening inward, not only do we feel better but we shift the culture from the inside out.

If you have a moon cycle, if you love someone who has a moon cycle or if you'd simply like to sync to energetic medicine of the new moon, I'd like to honor you with this gift. 

Gentle Moon Cycle Yoga (15 mins) 

Feeling Called to sync to the organic cycles of the moon and your personal moon cycle through movement?

Join us at the

Earth - Body Wisdom Collective

a sanctuary for women to calm, strengthen and align to the wisdom of nature by anchoring into sisterhood, embodiment and self care.

Use code WOMENRISE for 50% off your first month of movement and sisterhood.

P.S. We want to know what type of movement feels best during the week before, during and after your moon cycle. Please share below. xoxo, Hayley