You Are Water That Walks

Pause with me in the middle of your day, your yoga practice or your workout to bless and program your water to optimally nourish your body as well as your spirit.

Live from the cliffs of the Costa Rican shoreline in the middle of a Mindful Bootcamp workout!

Earth has all the same water today that she had three billion years ago.

That means that waters of your body are the same waters that made up your ancestor’s bodies, all animal, plant and insect bodies, trees, rivers, streams and all waterfalls. All of the water molecules in your body have cycled from cloud to mountain to ocean and back an infinite number of times. Water is ancient, wise, ancestral.

There’s nothing more personal than what’s flowing through our veins. To declare our bodies as sacred water temples is to shift the ecological dialogue from the inside out. To develop a deeper relationship with water is a pathway to both self healing and planetary healing. Being effective water guardians means building a personal relationship to the waters within us, around us and as us.

The Kogi of Columbia call humans “water that walks instead of flows.”

Just like our mother planet, we are 80% water by volume but on a molecular level we are 99.2% water! Blood, spinal fluid, lymphatic, synovial, sexual fluids, our immune system, our brain and even our bones are primarily water molecules. While we think of these physical systems as separate it’s actually more accurate to understand all the waters of our body as just one body of water. Similarly, all the waters on planet Earth, including those, like you, that are currently walking, are actually just one united body of water in an infinite number of shapes and expressions.

How would the world change if we perceived all water as one body of water?

When we understand the interrelated nature of all matter, we understand that the strict distinction between self and other is an illusion.

The Waters of Grief

Like water, emotions are meant to shift and transform. It’s only when we shut down and numb to our emotions that they grow stagnant, unconscious and toxic. Our fear of feeling creates a much bigger problem than the emotions we fear to feel. We must feel to heal.

Water is spiritual force, the interface between our physical, emotional and energetic bodies. It is the power of our courageous willingness to be present with the full spectrum of emotional intensity entailed in being human that submerges and dissolves the little, ego - based ‘i am’ into the infinitely powerful “I am.”

Water power drives the dynamic cycle of our grief - from loss to despair to healing and ultimately to joy. Water cleanses, renews , revitalizes - filling our cup again.

In the Celtic worldview, the energy of water is most present during Fall. Late October, or Samhain, is known as both the end and the beginning of the year in the Celtic calendar. This is a time to cleanse and liberate our heart by honoring grief for who and what we’ve lost, grief for a suffering planet, for the suffering of the humans and for our own suffering.

Water is the great alchemist that makes all life possible . To honor water is to honor life, sensuality, emotion, intuition, creativity, pleasure and an ancient future.

Water adapts, shapeshifts, transforms.  Water is the body of life. Just like us - she needs to move or she gets sick. Human dams and re-routing of water sources wreaks havoc on local ecosystems. If all waterways we allowed to return to their natural flow the ecosystem would also return to balance.

“Climate change is not first of all a ‘problem to be solved’ but a communication to be heard and it is a communication of water” - Dr. James Perkinson

How could we could tap into the full potential of this healing elixir within us and around us for greater presence, health and vitality? 

How can we shift our relationship with water from a resource to THE source?

Far more people die each year from lack of clean water than from war. Even this year. The bottled water industry in whole is worth $100 billion and it would only take 15% of that to solve the global water crisis. We already have the solutions. In order to enact them we must stop seeing water as a commodity and understand it as a commons - as a generous living being.

Hydration, mood, health and brain function are integrally linked. Ask any indigenous medicine keeper, water is nature’s primary medicine.  Lack of  hydration causes numerous symptoms including problems with focus, memory, brain fog, headaches, sleep issues, anger, depression, and much more.

Is it possible that the key to sustainability and balance for our own lives exists in something so mundane and all pervasive?

Is it possible that the approach to healing our own bodies and hearts is also the same medicine for bringing the planet herself back into balance?

And can we learn all of this directly from water herself?

As walking bodies of water, the rent we pay to temporarily borrow water so we can walk around for a time is to enter into reciprocal relationship.

We can pay homage to water by entering into relationship with her, noticing her, respecting her and even by emulating her gifts, for example, by moving and dancing like water, by being flexible with our approach to our day and life.

Let me know how this water meditation goes for you by sharing below! 💙