Feminine Shadows ~ How to Be a True Queen

What would your life look like if you lived from the wisdom of your body

instead of old patterns and the voices in your head?


I see you, Soulful Woman…

I see you holding all those balls up in the air.

I see how hard you work to take care of yourself and your people

You try to practice yoga, meditate and eat well.

But I also see your struggle...

Living from head up, disconnected from sensuality, pleasure and meaningful sexuality. You may feel like you or your body are 'not good enough' or like you never have enough - support, time, money, rest. Sometimes you want to let all those balls you're juggling fall to the floor…. 

In the last 15 years of supporting women to shift from burnout to thriving as a transformational embodiment coach, I've noticed two primary patterns of suffering experienced by women leaders that prevent us from reaching our goals and living the life we were born to live. 

These ancestral patterns are only to be expected. Despite the best intentions of an awakening society, women are literally groomed from birth by a patriarchal paradigm to embody one or the other (or, often, both!).

Fortunately, if these patterns describe you - You're Not Alone

You're part of a global movement of women awakening to the Call of Feminine


It's a longing to remember, a yearning to move beyond the mind to awaken the transformative potential within your Body Temple.


How can we transform these classic patterns of patriarchal wounding that have served us to survive for generations so you can unleash the Queen that you actually are. 


This is the era of the Goddess - our time has come to shift thousands of years of dysfunction so we can not only live the lives of our dreams but leave a legacy of healing for our children.


Here's what life is like for a Queen who has claimed her infinite power as a living Goddess ~

  • She's turned on by life. She dances like no one is watching whether she's in front of her mirror or in the streets + no matter her age or whether she's in flannel or lingerie, she loves touching her own skin.


  • She expresses her Truth authentically, creatively, intuitively and powerfully through her voice but also through her energy - the confident way she moves through the world - in her work, in her partnership, in her mothering and in her relationship to her soul


  • She naturally cultivates work-life-relationship balance + lives her life as a meaningful ritual in joyful connection with her healthy body which means she's relaxed, open + in flow


  • Instead of shutting down, dissociating, disembodying or closing her heart she lives from a place of deep trust that magnetizes the life of her dreams to her so she's not hustle mode


  • She knows what she desires because her gut-womb-intuition is turned the fuck on


  • She naturally cultivates work-life-relationship balance + lives her life as a meaningful ritual in joyful connection with her healthy body which means she's relaxed, spacious, open + in flow


  • She knows that no partner could ever love her or her body enough to make her feel whole and no amount of money or applause could buy her - instead, she sources from the inside.


If this is not yet your reality, you probably live in one of the two following camps or you experience pieces of both. For the sake of simplicity, I call these two primary archetypal patterns of women's experience ~ The Princess + The Prince.


I've seen the transformation

time and time again +

it's absolutely possible for you!



Princess - Prince - Queen ~

Which one are you?


The Princess

(The Feminine Wound Within Women)

  • You sacrifice yourself for the benefit of others but, in the end your wellbeing + relationships suffer


  • You tend to feel other people's feelings, particularly those closest to you, so you may even struggle to know what your own desires actually are. What you want for your own life may seem elusive until its too late and you're collapsed, frustrated or angry for not having it.


  • You may hide or ignore parts of yourself to please others or to be taken seriously


  • You struggle to express your Truth + desires, opting instead, often unconsciously, for passive aggression or manipulation to get your needs met


  • You struggle to remain committed to your wellbeing + self care yet you feel guilty about slowing down or tending your body


The Prince

(The Masculine Wound Within Women)


  • You're almost too good at accomplishing in this patriarchal paradigm - you can feel how people marvel at your capacity to hold all those balls in the air. You may have degrees, titles, a beautiful home + family. But you're sensing that the perfectionism that may have gotten you where you are today is no longer serving you...


  • If you have kids, you may have even unconsciously worked hard to be deemed “supermom”… but what has it left you with?…..


  • Slowing down hasn't even been an option so you experienced cycles of high output followed by burnout that may feel like depression or anxiety


  • You keep up a beautiful facade but behind the scenes - you feel tense + disconnected from yourself, others and your own life


  • Your motivation for committing to diets or exercise programs may be based on looking a certain way versus what you feel like inside

It's time to reclaim the Queendom - it is our birthright as women to embody our power, our pleasure + our purpose.