Secrets of Wombifestation

Your desire is holy.

Your desire creates the world. 
Your desire is the way that spirit works through you to manifest your life's purpose.

What you desire, desires you - 

your desires crave you, they yearn for you, they thirst for for you. 

Yet, only 9% of Americans complete their new year's resolutions and 23% quit their resolution by the end of the first week.


Why does our desire seem to elude us?


As a woman, how many times have you made resolutions like “this year I'm going to….


✔️Get fit or lose weight

✔️Meditate regularly

✔️Create more balance by prioritizing my self care

✔️Be more relaxed + present with my (kids/partner/life)

✔️Reawaken to my sexuality or reinvigorate my sex life with my partner

✔️Be more confident


But then another year goes by…


The goal setting culture we live in wasn't designed for the unique needs of a woman's body, heart and soul, instead, the masculine approach to goal setting is idealized - think, write goal, focus on discipline + action.


This process originates in the mind, negating the role of the body, the emotions and the soul in the manifesting process. This is a masculine approach to creation and, in case you haven't noticed, it's not that effective, particularly for women.


Case in point - January is the highest month for attendance at gyms and yoga studios. The lowest month? February.


You can set goals and make plans all day long but if you have subconscious blocks, the universe (aka your subconscious) will sabotage these plans to keep you safe and comfortable in the status quo.


The feminine creative process demands depth, Truth + inner alignment. We must get to the ROOT of why our patterns are so persistent.

Enter Desire…


Everything, including you, was born from desire. 


I can authentically tell you that, at 38, not only am I having the best sex of my life, I regularly harness the power generated through my pleasure to manifest a life that I'm deeply and passionately in love with - a life filled with meaning, purpose and service to the world. 


All this thanks to the number one rule of tantra ~ stop chasing your orgasm.


Creativity requires relaxation.


In order to effectively unleash your power to manifest your desires, you must get into a state where you allow yourself to actually feel what you desire - not just talk about it or even picture it. 


Just like a women's orgasm isn't always “wham bam, thank you, ma'am” but can necessitate loving attention, even devotion, getting into the state of manifestion (or would it more accurately be called womb-ifestation?) asks us to temporarily suspend the thinking mind and dive into the freedom and aliveness of this moment.


We can honor of genius of our mind while also acknowledging its inherent limitations. The primary job of the mind is to create projections of the future based on past experiences. So, when we want to create NEW experiences, the mind only gets us so far. 


Embodiment is a non negotiable foundation to living the life of your dreams. Being Embodied = Being Present. 


Being present is the state that all meditative traditions are aiming for. Why? Because the present is the only space where true joy, meaning and happiness exist. 


In order to create the life we want to live, we actually need to practice collapsing the time/space continuum, in order words, we need to find creative ways to feel how we want to feel in the future - NOW. 


Fortunately, we don't have to manufacture these states of bliss - bliss is actually our original nature, our primary state. We reconnect to this state when we return to deep relaxation. Relaxation requires that we're fully in our body versus in our head.


Stress is who we think we are but relaxation is who we actually are. 

Accomplishing through striving, fear and anxiety is like fracking - there's an, often unaccounted for, future price to pay. Embodied motivation is a sustainable energy source that doesn't deplete our heart, our families and Mother Earth.

The Divine Feminine awakens within us a deep power that doesn't come at the expense of our body, the Earth + other people. 


True power is rooted in connection ~ connection to body, heart, soul + community.


When a woman stands in her true power, she lifts everyone up around her + we all rise together.

What if you could actually achieve your goals through pleasure, in a way that is restful, supported by community and without staying stuck in overwhelm or frying your nervous system?

How could you become the boss babe who achieves her dreams all while operating from a place of ease where you prioritize health, wellbeing, connection + sensuality?

 In a world that wasn't designed for the feminine, figuring out how to set goals + craft a life that is both accomplished and pleasurable isn't an easy task.


Somewhere beneath the pressure of perfection, the never-ending to-do list & the outdated paradigms of 'how to be successful' that we're constantly being sold, lives a different way of manifesting our dream life…


A body-honoring, feminized way of getting shit done without ignoring the needs of our body.

The secret? Don’t get what you want - become it!

Last year, I used feminine, embodied techniques to guide my client Elise through a financial goal setting process for 2023. She doubled her income, mystified at how much easier it was then the masculine striving she'd practiced in the past.

 What could happen for you if you

lived from your body instead of your head?

How can we set embodied goals?


How can we align to the immense creative power + wisdom of the divine feminine?


Your TURN ON is your Truth.

Your TURN ON is your Strength.

Within Your TURN ON lives the full possibility of your infinite potential. 

This is how the Divine Feminine rises in 2024 - through your very body, when you reclaim a life of power, pleasure and purpose.


In a world that wasn't designed for the feminine, figuring out how to set goals + craft a life that is both accomplished and pleasurable is no easy task. 


But, don't worry - I got cha. 

If you're ready to get to the source of your desires so you can truly embody your highest expression…


If you could benefit from having support and accountability…

Get Your free Recording of

Embodied Woman 2024:

Divine Feminine Soul Activation

You'll be guided to cultivate a clear and powerful vision of your most embodied self in 2024. Identify challenges currently holding you back and create a sustainable plan for bringing her to life.


  • Replace hustling, grasping and people pleasing with ease so you attract the life that is meant for you in 2024 with less effort


  • Activate, awaken + unleash the ancient feminine wisdom + superpower of your root - your sensuality, sexuality, creativity + pleasure


  • Tame inner critic to liberate an abundance of energy while amplifying your intuition


Plus… Come away with simple practices you can immediately put into action so you can truly blossom into the life you want to live in 2024.


Come as you are +

Leave as more of who you are