2 Steps to Harness Eclipse Transformation

Eclipses occur a few times each year when the sun and moon appear to collide or overlap.


During eclipse season, the sun, moon and planets appear to be the players in this story. But, in actuality -


You are every character in the story and  

the story is about you.    

You, my friend, are a living myth.


Eclipses are always karmic, as they occur on the North and South nodes, meaning that bring up ancient patterning that is no longer serving us and drive us towards our destiny.


In this context, we can think of our south node as containing our karmic backpack of childhood and ancestral wounding, past lives, cultural conditioning and patterns.


Your north node is the soul path you’re growing towards, but in order to get there, you've got to lighten your load.

As a woman on the path, you can harness these eclipse portals to become aware of patterns or circumstances in your life and relationships that are no longer serving who you desire to become.


Eclipses aren't about to let you off the hook if you’re lying to yourself, filling your time with the unimportant, turning a blind eye to your gifts and your destiny.


They aren’t about to let you get away with a life half lived or playing out relationship patterns from your childhood wounding versus authenticity.


Eclipses support us to live a BIGGER life so we aren’t feeling regret on our death bed.


They kick our booty onto a more soulful path.


Eclipses can help us to drop the baggage - which isn’t actually as easy as it sounds.


Woman, are you ready to lighten your load?


Then rose colored glasses off, please.


When we look squarely at our own unhealthy patterns with the support of like hearted community, we come into greater alignment with our true north - our destiny path.

Last full North American solar eclipse in 2017 I was at a festival with 30,000 other people from all over the world camped out in the high desert of Oregon.


One hour countdown until total darkness… the heat of the sun illuminates the desert.


Thirty minute countdown until total darkness… It’s getting darker and colder by the minute….


Ten minutes until total darkness… the temperature is dropping drastically with each passing second. We’re donning jackets and special glasses to stare straight at the sun.


Five minutes until total darkness… Birds cease their chirping abruptly and crickets pick up the chorus. We seem to be in a collective dream as we have no context for this strange midnight occurring at noon.


30,000 people chanting “five, four, three, two…”


…Utter silence…


30,000 people and you could hear a pin drop for the next several minutes. Speechless.


Jaws hang open as we stare at the black ball in the sky. We’re in a collective dream. 


The ecstasy of the mystery is upon us.


All the myths of the Sun God since the beginning of time - they all make sense now.


Millions of Sun Salutations practiced in ashrams and yoga classes across time and space - they all make sense now.


Our global ancestors gathering in ceremony to make offerings to the fire, prostrating their bodies flat to the earth in honor of the life giving power of light - it all makes sense now.


The Sun God makes delicious love to the Earth Goddess and all of life is born. 


When you witness a full solar eclipse you know in your bones there is no other origin story that makes any sense. It just could be no other way.


When I asked others what they felt in those few minutes of complete and utterly silent midday darkness I heard versions my own experience mirrored back again and again. 

“I felt like I was transported to an ancient time. I could feel myself in the bodies of my tribal ancestors staring up at the black sun in utter shock and disbelief. I felt the Gods had spoken. I feel it so clearly… a new era has been born.”

As Within, So Without

As Above, So Below 

As the Universe, So the Soul

As the Goddess, So the Woman


How can you receive the full medicine of this eclipse - 


A cosmic meeting of the Divine Feminine (moon) and the cosmic masculine (sun)?

How can you embody the Great Earth Goddess, opening every cell to receive the blessing of this rebirth?

Step #1 Create Sacred Space for Yourself this Monday


Clear your schedule as much as possible, even if you can only claim a short lunch break, during the ten minutes, half hour, hour or full day of the eclipse this coming Monday, April 8th at 11:27am PT/2:27 pm ET so you can spend time embodying the energy you are looking to create more of in this new chapter of your life. 


(You know I rescheduled all my beloved clients + will be deep in ceremony in nature surrounded by my most beloved sisters).


Here's a few possibilities to get your ritual juices flowing …


🌌 Take a walk or hike without your phone

🌌 Journal about how you're growing and healing

🌌 Tell your family and friends how much you love them

🌌 Visualize the job you desire, the lover you desire, the home you desire 

🌌 Touch your heart with kindness and speak loving affirmations to yourself

🌌 Take a luxurious bath with relaxing music and body oil

🌌 Plant a flower while speaking a prayer of intention for the Earth

🌌 Make tender love to yourself or your partner



Step #2 Join Us LIVE for a Free New Moon Eclipse Ritual


I'm going live in Gaias Sister's Moon Circle this Tuesday 4/9 at 11am for a New Moon Eclipse Intention Setting Ritual. We'll gather in sisterhood to dive into Eclipse Goddess mythology, you'll have a chance to clarify your desires for this next chapter and I'll lead you on a transformative meditation.


To get free access, join our new 

FREE Global Sisterhood NOW

Gaia’s Sisters Moon Circle

FB Group


A home for soulful, high achieving women to reclaim their Divine Feminine sensuality and power so you can up-level your leadership and pleasure by reclaiming the Priestess within.


🌙 Gather live for women’s moon rituals

🌙 Explore inspiring tantric + shamanic practices created by and for women rooted in the mystical intelligence of nature

🌙 Be inspired by like minded + like hearted sisters while holding yourself accountable to sacred self care


Let us know below…

What are you eclipsing out of your life right now?

What are you calling in to fill that space?