Harness your Inner Child's Superpowers πŸ¦„

Your inner child is the Springtime of your life cycle.

Young children are all intuition

Young children are fully embodied

Young children are fully present

Young children speak the language of nature

Young children are inherently joyful

Young children are fully living their purpose

Young children are completely at home in nature -

they talk to plants, animals and ancestors

Young children have mystical, spiritual superpowers

Young children are born free of Ego, free from cultural conditioning, judgement and attachment


Wonder is their natural state.


Because they're paying attention.

In order to reclaim our embodied power as women, we must reconnect to the magic of our inner maiden. She is our guide back to the innocence of our original nature.


To lose touch with our inner child is to lose touch with our soul.


By cultivating an ongoing relationship to your inner child, you can reclaim her freedom, her intuition and unbridled expression. 

Children aren't meant to be caged, corralled and put in front of screens all day. They learn best outdoors and with their bodies or they act out and their development is stunted. 


How might you be substituting for

play, sensuality, creative expression + 

nature connection?


As adults, we often we substitute with media, alcohol, drugs or control.

This lack of vitality may manifests as bitterness, brattiness, depression, insomnia or anxiety.


The superpowers of your maiden can infuse your life with greater mystery, creativity and soul. 


However, when we're disconnected from our inner child she tends to unconsciously run parts of our life. And letting your maiden run your life is like letting a child drive your car.


Do you ever still have tantrums?

Perhaps occasionally before you bleed?

Perhaps when you’re particularly angry?

Or, do you simply turn challenging emotions 

back on yourself as perfectionism, self judgment, 

chronic exercise or dieting?


When we get triggered and act in ways that make us feel ashamed or guilty, when we make decisions that are misaligned to our values and soul desires, when a hard lesson keeps coming up again and again and again despite our best efforts, when we’re sad or angry or frustrated or feel any emotion at all… our inner child is involved.

While our inner child teaches us to be embodied, to be present and to live from our intuition, connecting with also her teaches us to be emotionally attuned, to recognize the voice of inner critic versus believing it and to acknowledge the root of our triggers so we can channel the power of challenging emotions towards the healing and growth of ourselves and all our relations.


Making a positive change in the world starts with getting in touch with your inner child.

In Body Temple Mystery School, we journey in sisterhood to explore nature as a template for understanding our own nature. Each season maps to a certain part of our development as women. By tending the wounds of these parts we reclaim their superpowers, remember our wholeness and step more powerfully into our lives, work and relationships as sacred leaders of the New Earth. 


This is the path of the wise woman, the Priestess, the mystic, the witch. 

Click here to know more

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  Spring Ritual to Reconnect With Your Inner Child 

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Schedule a Nature Playdate 


Put it in your weekly or monthly calendar! Even if it's just 30 minutes.

Think back… what did you like to do as a child?

Color? Sing? Dance? Make mud pies in nature? Roll around on the grass and watch ants?


During this sacred, reserved soul self care time, drop in, ask her what she wants to do and let her lead. This time is not about being productive or checking this task off the list. Truly listen inward, feel your intuition, as β€˜irrational’ as it might be, and give her time to play, be creative and express herself.


Allow yourself to see with the eyes of a child and be drawn in with fascination to flowers, plants and bugs. Allow your senses to rule your experience and heed the call anytime she pulls one direction or another or to stop altogether and enjoy lying on a hillside.


The long term emotional healing power of this simple ritual cannot be minimized as it builds inner attunement so you can identify when she is hurt and acting out, then meet her emotional needs instead of wreck havoc on your mental health and relationships.